lunes, 27 de febrero de 2012

Performance #2

Store One Dollar

Flor:       How can I help you?
Ariana:  Yes, I need a lot of jewelry.
Flor:       We have earrings ,brazalet, rings and scarf.
Ariana:  Can I look the earrings?
Flor:       Of course
(Telephone) Ring  ring
Flor:       Hello, Store One Dollar
Ana:      Hi,  where are you located?  I’m in front of the Sophya Drugstore.
Flor:       Just  walk two blocks and turn left at the corner. In front of Walmart.
Ana:      Ok, thanks.
Flor:       You Welcome
Flor:       I’m sorry, we have
Ariana:  I like the pink, the white and the two purple ones.  How much cost each one?
Flor:       $1 dollar plus 0.25 cents of taxes. A total of $5.
Ariana:  Do you accept credit cards?
Flor:       Sure
Ana :     Good evening.
Flor:       Welcome. How can I help you?
Ana :     I need a gift for my daughter ‘s birthday.
Ariana:  Hi Ana Yancy! How are you?
(Ariana gives credit card to Flor)
Ana:      Well hello Ariana! Very well thank you and you?
Ariana: Not bad. Why don’t you buy her a dress? I know a store.
(Flor returns credit card)
Ana:      That’s amazing! Thanks Ariana.
(Both leave the store)

Flor Camacho Zamora
Performance #1
Exact geographical location of the country is in southern  Africa, the climate is semiarid, with mild winters and warm summers.

The color blue represents the water
The bands black and white represent the racial harmony

three blue stripes: in the water
Three wheels: they depict the industry
Bull: Cattle industry
Zebra and elephant tusk: wildlife and agriculture represent
Pula: Water is very important in the country.

People tend to have dark skin color, shaped like almond eyes,  high cheekbones, thin lips and curly hair

Official languages​​: Setswana (national) and English.
 Crafts : They produce colorful baskets of various sizes and for different uses.
Ceramic:  Another recognized artistic activity
The paintings found in southern Africa, more precisely  in the Kalahari Desert, show pictures of animals and hunters

Discovery of diamond mines,  hunting and harvesting of fruits

It detacan meat dishes, fish and vegetables. Which are usually very tasty

domingo, 19 de febrero de 2012

Ana Yancy's Personal Information

My name is Ana Yancy Obando Barrantes. 
I was born on October 6th 1970.
I'm 41 years old but many people calculate I'm not older than 30 years old and that's ok with me.
I'm small and thin.
I have black eyes and a black, curly hair.
I work at Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones since 2009.
I'm also studiying Administración de Empresas in UMCA.
I live in Guadalupe, located at the North of San Jose. Specifically in Purral Abajo, famous because of the cold weather.

I am married with Orlando Rivera Fallas along 20 years and we both have two childrens.

The oldest one is my daughter Tracy Paola. She was born on October21. She is 17th years old and currently she's studiying Political Sciences in UCR.

Travis Orlando is the youngest one, he is 9 years old and was born on February 14th. He is at Saint Francis Primary in 3rd grade.

lunes, 13 de febrero de 2012

Performance 1 Ariana Castillo

My name is Ariana Castillo. I live in Curridabat with my son Gabriel and my boyfriend Manrique.
Gabriel is 5 years old and he goes to Kinder Tio Conejo. He has two small hamsters as pets. They are cute and noisy. They live inside their cage.
Gabriel goes to Taekwondo and swimming classes every week. He really enjoys both and is improving a lot lately.
Manrique is a construction engineer and works at a big construction company in San Jose.
The members of my family are my dad, my mom, my brother, my sister and my nephews.

My dad´s name is Rafael Castillo and he works at ICE. My mother´s name is Marlen Calero. My grandmother lives with my mom, dad and my brother Esteban.
Esteban has one son and one daughter, Jeydan of 5 years and Brianna of 3 years.
Jeimmy Castillo is my other sister and she lives in Alajuela. Luciana is her beautiful daughter and she is only 4 months old. She looks a lot to her dad.

My family is pretty close, we try to get together at least every Sunday at my parents’ house in Desamparados and have lunch. Sometimes my aunt, uncle and cousins join us.

domingo, 12 de febrero de 2012

Hello! My name is Ariana Castillo. I live in Curridabat with my boyfriend and son. I am average height, curly hair, my eyes are color green and I wear glasses. I have a string caracter but I am sweet, loving and caring. My parents live in Desamparados along with my brother and grandmother. My sister lives in Alajuela. I have three nephews. I like to read, watch television and listen to music. I also like to go out during the weekends. I do not like people who talk behind your back and then tell me that they´re my friends. I hate when my son leaves a disaster in his bedroom. My favorite food is Mc Donalds! jeje. Interesting fact, at least for me, I am learning how to drive and I am doing pretty well.

martes, 7 de febrero de 2012

Hello, my name is Flor Camacho, I live in Patarra, I am short, white skin, face round , long straight hair and slanted eyes, I’m also honest and friendly.

I like being at home with my family, I’m married and I have a son , he is 6 years old, also I like plants and reading.
Patarra of 30 minutes in San Jose, is a rural place, full of trees and also very cold.