martes, 7 de febrero de 2012

Hello, my name is Flor Camacho, I live in Patarra, I am short, white skin, face round , long straight hair and slanted eyes, I’m also honest and friendly.

I like being at home with my family, I’m married and I have a son , he is 6 years old, also I like plants and reading.
Patarra of 30 minutes in San Jose, is a rural place, full of trees and also very cold.

5 comentarios:

  1. Hi Flor, nice to meet you and you are very helpful with your boss...

    Mely (A-Team)

  2. Flor, you have an excellent sense of humor, Patarra is beautiful place, there this located El Sapo y La Culebra truth?... Kimberly Borbon

  3. Hi, congratulation it's was beautiful.
    Ana Ynacy

  4. Hey flor I didn´t knew you have a son.. I love to read books, too

  5. Hi,Flor.Patarra is a very nice place.When you invite me to bathing resort.

    Paula Guzmán
